
The Maze Runner by James Dashner

12:54 PM


When Thomas wakes up in the lift, the only thing he can remember is his first name. He has no recollection of his parents, his home, or how he got where he is. His memory is empty.But he's not alone. When the lift's doors open, Thomas finds himself surrounded by kids who welcome him to the Glade, a large expanse enclosed by stone walls.

Just like Thomas, the Gladers don't know why or how they got to the Glade. All they know is that every morning, for as long as anyone can remember, the stone doors to the maze that surrounds them have opened. Every night, for just as long, they've closed tight. Every thirty days a new boy is delivered in the lift. And no one wants to be stuck in the Maze after dark.

The Gladers were expecting Thomas' arrival. But the next day, a girl is sent up- the first girl ever to arrive at the Glade. And more surprising yet is the message she delivers. The Gladers have always been convinced that if they can solve the maze that surrounds the Glade, they might find their way home... wherever that may be. But it's looking more and more as if the Maze is unsolvable.

And something about the girl's arrival is starting to make Thomas feel different. Something is telling him that he just might have some answers- if he can only find a way to retrieve the dark secrets locked within his own mind.

Characters: I love the characters, I honestly had no problems with any of them. Even the bad characters I just loved to hate them. The only teeny problem I had was that there were too many characters. One thing I really liked about them though was that they all had different personalities. The main characters were so amazing that I learned to love them in such a short amount of time.

Plot: The plot is my favorite part, it was full of surprises that I never expected. It took me only a couple paged for me to get really into the book and the writing style was amazing. The pace was good too it wasn't too fast yet it wasn't too slow. I loved learning about the world even though there were moments that I was kind of confused.

Overall: Overall this is one of my favorite books. Five stars! Incredible but I just wish those parts that left me confused would have been more clear, and for trilogies I'm usually a fan of the first and second books to have cliff hangers but this one (for me) didn't have one for that kind of left me disappointed.

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